Thursday, November 28, 2019
TABLE OF CONTENTS Essays (898 words) - Agronomy, Farmer, Agriculture
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal..................................................... iii I. Introduction............................................... 1 II. Five Careers for a Graduate of Agricultural Studies. 1 A. Self-Employed Farmer............................ 1 B. Sales (Equipment, Chemical, Seed)............. 1 C. Ground Truthing Manager........................ 1 D. Teacher.............................................. 2 E. Farm Manager...................................... 2 III. Summary................................................... 2 Works Cited............................................................... 3 iv I. Introduction Agriculture is a vast and expanding world for many people here in the mid-west. This is not a career to be taken lightly, since it has it's ever-changing highs and lows; which attract people and also discourage them too. Deciding what a graduate wants to do in agriculture is a difficult process, I know since I am in the process right now. Some of the following careers are ones that I am more familiar with since I have been around most of them. The following jobs: Self-employed farmer, sales (equipment, chemical, and seed), district research manager, teacher, and farm manager are a few options of a new college graduate. Below are the descriptions of each. II. Five Careers for a Graduate of Agricultural Studies In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the five jobs selected that a new graduate in agriculture may want to follow to upstart his career. A. Self-Employed Farmer A self-employed farmer is one that you see out in the field early in the morning and late at night. He does not work for a large company growing crops for them; he grows them for him to sell. The farmer's main goal is to raise the most productive crop he can, earning the best profit available, and working with the land to keep it sustainable condition. A variety of crops can be grown, and animals can be raised too. This is a job that one must truly love and be devoted to for if one is not then many things can go wrong and they will not succeed. B. Sales (Equipment, Chemical, Seed) A sales person is a person who has to have a lot of initiative to go out and introduce people to his product. I grouped sales all together because they all use the same principle and that is initiative. The sales person has many hours on the road traveling all over his district talking to people and just keeping up his public relations with the farmer, so when it comes time to sell his product he might have a edge up. This person is also very knowledgeable of everything he sells, since the buyer always has a question and they come to him when they want it answered. Also public speaking is a big part in this field, since meetings are required to introduce new products each year. C. Ground Truthing Mananger Ground truthing managers are involved with the managing of crop scouts, who survey crops. These managers are also involved with the growers in their project and keep up public relations with them. Managers will be called on to answer seed and chemical 1 questions and make recommendations to the growers, from the data collected by the scouts in the grower's respective fields. One needs to be knowledgeable in many aspects of agronomy, examples such as, soils, weeds, seed, crops, crop development and chemical knowledge are a must. Computer skills are used since there is handheld computers in the field, then the transfer of the information taken down at the field must be put onto another computer and sent to the headquarters for evaluation. D. Teacher Teachers provide insight to young aspiring agriculture students. Teachers take what they have learned in school and also from practical experience, and pass it on to the students in a form that can be taught or studied. Teachers are employed at schools as Vocational-Agriculture teachers. They may be required to head up the FFA chapter in that school and make all arrangements that go along with that. A graduate wishing to teach, but not on the high-school level, may try teaching at a university. Additional education will be needed such as an advanced degree or a master's degree. E. Farm Manager Farm manager's is a job where you can work from the comfort of your pick-up. You are in charge of some land that was put into your hands to manage. The manager is the middleman between a person who owns the ground and the person who rents it and raises a crop on it. He is
Monday, November 25, 2019
Hadith of Gabriel Essay Example
Hadith of Gabriel Essay Example Hadith of Gabriel Essay Hadith of Gabriel Essay Our faith gives us the enlightenment to make what’s best non merely for ourselves but for the full kingdom that we belong every bit good. It serves as our usher to the way of fantastic ideas and bright actions which will come to illume to the personality that we possess as of the minute. What will be within our character was the ultimate part of what our faith has thought us. In this respect. we could perchance express that Islam has been one of the great parts in this clip and age. It depicts a really good sense of duty which could assist to augment the system that we have within ourselves. The instructions of the Qur’an stress the duty of the person to society and of society to individual ( Bloomington. 2002. p. 262 ) . as we have noted. Qur’an serves as our usher to the right way and finally arouse us to recognize what are the best things that we could accommodate in order to populate in the visible radiation of Islamic ideas and ways. It has been said that it entails a immense duty as we get a clasp on its instructions fundamentally for the ground that it is non self centered and it focuses on the proliferation of the full kingdom. One can achieve absolute satisfaction if his environment goes with it – intending the society where you are presently into should goes manus in manus with the good ideas that you believe in. and this was fundamentally what Islam wanted to set up in its people. Take for case the duty of paying zakat wherein people are oblige to pay on a regular basis which in bend the hapless will profit such. : Indeed. non all are convinced that they should pay such zakat and alternatively. they prefer to merely give alms to the less fortunate wholeheartedly. In position of which. what the Qur’an has embarked to its people was the gesture that at any rate we should love our neighbours irrespective of their position in life. This positive vibration should be taken into consideration because this is one of the great instructions of the Islamic faith. Similarly. what were epitomized in the Hadith of Gabriel were the strong foundations of the faith of Islam. It embarks the five pillars per Se of Islam which was considered as its strong foundation. Islam is to attest that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the courier of Allah. to execute the supplications. to pay the zakat. to fast in Ramadan. and to do the pilgrims journey to the House ( Tauris. 1996. based on interlingual rendition found at World Wide Web. salaam. co. uk ) . Submission of oneself to Allah was the ultimate ladder to Islamic beliefs. Believing in His ultimate powers was the key to holding a strong religion in His instructions. He is the 1 who could present felicity to the full kingdom as we follow His ways to the right sphere of life. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the courier. This strong attachment of religion delivers us to be enlightened with the good ideals of genuinely believing and opening our Black Marias to make good workss in conformity to the wisdom of Allah. Furthermore. as we established our ways in stead of the instructions of Allah. everything is expected to proliferate for the fact that it has been guided by the Godhead Allah. Performing supplications was besides one of the foundations of Islam. Praying non merely limits us to intone or even praise Allah. but it derives us a immense sense of set uping our religion and continuously have in head all the goodness that the faith of Islam embarked within us. The subject of praying and acquiring focal point was one of the great ways to construct our personality that Allah believes to be indispensable in constructing the character of a individual. Pay the zakat and give alms to the hapless was one of the high spots of being a good individual. and for that affair a celebrated follower of Allah’s instructions. Loving our neighbour was on top of everything because this is the minute in our lives that we are bound to appreciate all the goodness that our fellowman can give us. In every small manner that we could offer love was highly a immense duty to the character that we have within and this lone proves that we are perfectly enlightened by the will of Allah. In add-on to this. this is besides a good representation how we genuinely grasp His instructions as we put into actions all the wisdom that He has given us. Paying zakat entirely gives a enormous impact since as we all knew this will profit our less fortunate fellowmen. Giving alms to the hapless was another context of charitable Acts of the Apostless which will distribute the sort of duty and love that Allah wanted us to present. To fast in Ramadan every bit good as pilgrims journey to Mecca was another context of what Allah thought us what duty was all about. In this respect. this is an huge conscientiousness for us because fasting was a mark of unequivocal attachment to faith and following ways of Islam. Indeed. making what is good is the manner to Allah’s instructions. His fantastic purposes of doing His people become witting of the good workss were fundamentally His best ideals. On our portion. we merely have to incessantly swear His ways and maintain on loving our fellowmen since it is the focal point of all Allah’s ways. We can truly contribute to the kingdom that we are into the best possible manner with the counsel of Allah. The foundations of Islam were a good representation on how we could move the right manner. The Hadith of Gabriel shed us visible radiation to be able to recognize how steadfast the foundation of Islam was and truly it guides us to be a better individual with strong attachment to our religion and has intense love for our fellowmen.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories Essay - 1
Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories - Essay Example When we speak that there is particularly good in existence, for example, then â€Å"good†can be referred to as proper universal form (Melchert, 28). However, Aristotle challenged Plato’s argument that the nature of universals is instantiated. He argued that all universals are attached to existing things. Aristotle believed that the nature of universal can be predicted. This is because universal only exist its relation must have occurred, is occurring or must occur in the future. Hence if a universal cannot be predicted to an object that occurred in a certain period, it cannot exist. He also maintained universal location exist within each thing on which it existed. So, according to him, the form of an orange exists within each orange, rather in the world of oranges (Melchert, 35).Teleology is a philosophical explanation that explains the fact that the final causes do exist in nature. This theory put across the assumption that human action and is existing factors in the nature of the environment (Melchert, 123). Generally, this theory explains the purpose, end, aim, and goal of the existence of something. Aristotle explained this theory by arguing that without artificial interference, action will happen as stipulated by the natural forces affecting it. An example put across by Aristotle states that a seedling reaches to a level of the adult plant as its final cause.While explaining his metaphysics, Aristotle always argued that the final cause of an action or an object is already stipulated by nature and no force can change this outcome. Through teleology, his argument on final causes was further explained. Additionally, Aristotle has argued against many philosophers claims that all things revolve around the necessity. By this statement, Aristotle believed that the philosophers were against the purpose, end, aim and goal policy of teleology (Melchert, 112).
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